Boston Ad Club to Celebrate History with Reunion Event


On June 22, the Boston Ad Club will host The Ad Club Reunion

Fifty Winning Killed Ideas Unveiled Next Week


The time is near. In fact, the day is next Tuesday.

Industry Group Launches Mentor Program to Educate ‘Next Generation’


The Internet Oldtimers Foundations has established the Andy Bourland Internet Oldtimers Mentorship Program, in memory of Mr. Bourland’s dedication and legacy as Co-founder and former CEO of Clickz.

Academy of Art University Shares Creativity During Spring Show


Last Thursday, the Academy of Art University held its Annual Spring Show at which student work from all disciplines was displayed.

Kids…in Advertising…Say the Darnedest Things


You’ve seen this before. We’ve seen this before.

BBQ Sauce Gets Cowgirl Hot, PSFK Videos, Cue Cat Returns


Um…ad for barbecue sauce?

Social Media Goes on A RoadTwip


A week or so ago we told you about this thing called RoadTwip. Surely, you thought we meant Road Trip, right. After all, there’s typos on Adrants all the time. But no, We got it right this time. It really is RoadTwip.

Socials Party, Ludacris Presents, Recession Bridged, Fiesta Moves


If you attended ad:tech (or didn’t), here are the pictures from The Media Social party held at Roe in San Francisco. If you were there, see if you can find yourself.

Big Parties, Small Parties, Dinners Add to ad:tech Experience


If one could identify a trend in parties at this year’s ad:tech in San Francisco, it would be this; more, smaller and no open bar.

FInal 50 Killed Ideas Selected (But You Have to Wait to See Them)



f you haven’t been asleep for the last month you know there’s been a project around here called Killed Ideas.

Jolie O’Dell Interviews Web 2.0 Expo Exhibitors


If you’ve never been to Web 2.0 Expo or you’ve been and you just can’t get enough, be sure to watch this Bubblicious video report by Jolie O’Dell.

Art Directors Club Calls The Young Ones


Are you a young creative trying to make a name for yourself in the business?

Deadline for Killed Ideas Extended


If you haven’t been sleeping the past month or so you know we (I, Steve Hall) have been involved with a project called Killed Ideas.

Great Ideas Deserve Their Chance to Blossom and Grow


Killed Ideas are a very sad thing.

Future Lions Taking Entries. On Your Marks…!


Attention ad students: The Future Lions ad competition is now taking entries for 2009.

Contextual Advertising Gets Its Own Conference


We’ve had a good time poking fun at contextual advertising, a $1.6 billion industry, over the years for its awkward mishaps and curious mismatches but it’s still a viable practice. So viable, there’s now a conference dedicated specifically to the practice.

OMG! No Parties at Cannes This Year?


Everyone knows the real reason ad people go to conferences and awards festivals is for the networking and the parties, right?

Recession be Damned! ad:tech to Rock San Francisco in April


OK, wake up people! It’s time for another ad:tech.

Hey! The CLIOs Are Coming! The CLIOs Are Coming!


Yup, and as we mentioned before, the CLIOs are making their first appearance in Las Vegas May 12-14 where they will celebrate the organization’s 50th anniversary at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino.

Steve Hayden, Jimmy Wales to Keynote ad:tech San Francisco


At ad:tech San Francisco, set to take place at Moscone West April 21-23, Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales and Ogilvy Worldwide Vice Chairman Steve Hayden will be the lead keynote speakers.