Pre-Broken Ceramics – Greece VS China Plates

( Greece vs China is a plate with a clear concept: take the plates needlessly broken during any traditional Greek wedding celebration. salvage them, and glue them back together to sell them as high minded design objects. But don’t worry about getting broken china chips in your hummus because the pla…

Rubble as a Canvas – Brazilian Graffitti (GALLERY)

( These incredible murals came with nothing more but the description “Brazilian Graffiti,” but that doesn’t make them any less awe inspiring. Whereas most people would look at the rubble as a form of aesthetic disturbance or allow it to put a damper on their daily walks, the artists behind these works…

Human Leash – Goth Fashion Gets Couple Kicked Off Bus

( A Gothic couple was recently asked not to board a bus after being told “dogs” weren’t allowed on board. That could sound discriminatory but Tasha Maltby was asking for it when the bus driver said “We don’t let freaks and dogs like you on.”

The man had his fiance on a leash attached to her collar, …

Buttonless Phone Interface – LED Cellphone

( Unless you have been living inside of a cave for the past 10 years, chances are good that you know what a cellphone user interface looks like: buttons with numbers 0 through 9, on/off, and send. Even with a proliferation of new mobile phone designs, how you interact with that phone has stayed the sa…

Eco-Tourism Falls To New York – Olafur Eliasson Waterfalls Will Grace City

( New York will get four giant waterfalls during the summer as a city art project and tourism draw. NYC tourism got a huge boost when Christo put his panels in Central Park. Seeing a great opportunity, the city commissioned Danish artist Olafur Eliasson to create the waterfalls. The waterfalls will fa…

London Advertisements Targeted By Serial Ad Decapitator (GALLERY)

( Londoners are waking up to a disturbing sight of decapitated men and women on advertisements throughout the streets. This is no serial killer, rather the dark and provocative work of street artist and culture jammer aptly named The Decapitator. People featured in billboard and bus stop adverts have …