Thankfully, There Are No Bikini-Clad Mud Wrestlers in This Ad


There are no women wearing bikinis in this commercial. There are no guys doing stupid tricks. No one is throwing a phone. There is no mud wrestling.

Peugeot Goes Classic Eletronica With Bond


To aid the launch of its 308 Coupe Cabriolet, Peugeot commissioned female electric string quartet, Bond.

Oh My God! You Are Huge!


Yea, You wish.

Beer Site Creates Customized Contemporary Mash Ups


Before we’ve even looked at this work, we hate it.

Cadbury Enlists Canadians to Build Bicycles for Africa


“The Bicycle Factory” is an uplifting piece about the many uses of bicycles in Africa. Under the weight of a single enterprising pedaler, a single bike can deliver food and water, or play the roles of ambulance and school bus.

Lee Clow Battles Gary Vaynerchuk For Future of Advertising


Mullen Chief Creative Officer Edward Boches, with ten round, blow-by-blow coverage, pits two great marketing forces, Lee Clow against Gary Vaynerchuk, against one another in a battle of the past versus the future.

Post Cereal is Simply Shredded. Simply.


Is it really so hard to create a simple, basic product and market it for what it is rather than layering on useless features and making exaggerated marketing claims?

Doritos Digs Dodgeball


Remember when dodgeball was just a stupid game you played in gym class when the teacher didn’t feel like teaching you anything that actually had to do with physical education?

Las Vegas Ad Confuzzles. Still Shows Lots of Skin Though


As David Gianatasio writes on AdFreak, faux-newscasts do, indeed, trivialize the profession but, as always, they do provide lazy creatives an easy out when there’s just no energy left to come up with anything new.

German Bank Encourages Conjugal Co-Mingling of Funds


Just watch.

Happiness Factory + Eepy Bird = Organ Player


If you liked Happiness Factory and the Eepy Bird Diet Coke/Mentos thing, you’ll love this new Organ Player commercial.

There’s No Wardrobe Malfunction in This Best Western Ad


Of course you can see the joke coming within the first seconds of watching this video for Best Western but, oddly, it’s remarkably watchable.

Malibu Bowling is Now A Downloadable Game!


As if there weren’t already enough to do with your “there’s an app for that” iPhone.

Hospital Cancer Campaign Avoids Schmaltz. Still Pulls Heart Strings


Every time we see a cancer ad, it’s like “Oh please, not again with the sappy emo crap.” But that’s not the case here.

Three Hookers Come to Hotel Room, Help Guy Shave


Thank you, ShaveWet. We were beginning to think sex had stopped selling.

Stupid Guys And Bikini-Clad Bimbos Need Not Apply


OK, Carlton Draught, maker of The Big Ad, we do love your quirky approach to selling beer.

Consumer Reports Gets Its Snark On


Consumer Reports is having a lot of fun these days with its online video product reviews.

When All Else Fails, Hire an Internet Celebrity


Yes! Yes! Yes!

Agent Provocateur Delivers Sirens, Pirates, Witches and Virgins


We’d expect nothing less from a purveyor of lingerie fixated on sexualizing anything and everything to sell some bras and underwear.

Mastercard Trots Priceless ‘Icons’ Back onto the Stage


“Icons,” a McCann-Erickson/NY spot that aired during the ’05 Super Bowl, is a fond standby of Mastercard’s “Priceless” campaign.