IPG Media Lab Loses Verkruyse
Posted in: UncategorizedWell, our sources were correct in informing us that Emily Verkruyse, who spent a year-plus as engagement director at IPG Media Lab, has joined up with recently formed shop, Anvil + Gear. A+G, if you didn’t know was formed a year ago by Brian Lio and James Genero, who left positions at DDB (where they served as technical Director and UX director, respectively) to start a new agency solely dedicated to UX and experience design.
Verkuyse, who served as account manager at BBDO prior to joining Anvil + Gear, marks one of a few notable departures from IPG Media Lab along with Lesley Melincoff, formerly a project manager at said shop before joining up with Big Spaceship as a producer in June. During her career, Verkruyse has also worked at the likes of Night Agency.
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