Ad council does global warming scare ads by killing kids.

“Think of the children! Won’t somebody think of the children!”

The Ad Council has just come out with a campaign they trot out the old “think of the children” idea.

What a tired old idea. Remember the Daisy girl?

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Military Stories

At the festival Mena Cristal Awards 2008 the agency Leo Burnett Beirut won Corporate Cristal for the commercial “Tribute to the Lebanesse Army”:

Hmmm, nice commercial, but we still remember the “Thank you !” by Budweiser

Ad agency sues client for 1.5 million after lost pitch

Resumé reports that ad agency Badlord have filed a 1.5 millions SEK suit against Lindex for nicking their idea. Badlord went straight to Lindex and marketing director Johan Hallin with their idea, Mr Hallin suggested that agency Badlord bring the idea to Lindex’ ad agency WeAreGroup. Later Badlord were told that the idea “wasn’t enough fashion”.

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