University of Alberta’s Version of Barney Will Devour Your Tender Mammal Flesh

Jurassic George, a rubbery T-Rex who terrorizes his hapless human sidekicks on a Barney and Friends-type show promoting the University of Alberta's free online paleobiology classes, is a prehistoric hoot.

Crafted by Evolution Bureau, the series of spots boasts daffy dances, silly (and unsettling) songs and plenty of facts about dinosaurs. George's posse of pals—clearly adults dressed as kids, which is part of the joke—steadily diminishes as the salivating saurian gobbles them down.

The four segments run at least 90 seconds, and though each could have been tighter, the series is still great fun. In the first clip, which dispels the misconception that dinosaurs and humans lived on Earth at the same time, George sings, "We were never meant to be friends/Even though it's fun to pretend/If we'd been in the same places/I would've eaten all your faces." Creepy music cues and George's psychotic dino-stare precede his feeding frenzies (which thankfully take place off camera). The final fearful survivor, by sporting a backwards baseball cap, purple suspenders and a Rush T-shirt, is just begging for extinction.


Dinosaurs made out of boxes / Idée ressortie des cartons?

cartons2007zmexico cartons2009
Volkswagen Crafter – 2007
Agency : Z Publicidade (Mexico)
Volkswagen Transporter – 2009
Agency : La Mesa Santiago (Chile)
Ok c’est pour le même annonceur, mais ce n’est ni la même agence, ni le même pays, ni le même modèle de véhicule… (ni le même modèle de dinosaure?)
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