Rodent Control Company d-CON Puts Missing Posters for Mice Around NYC

Rats and mice are not endangered species in New York City. (There are thought to be at least as many rats as people in the Big Apple, and there could be five times as many.) But d-CON, the rodent control company, is taking its small victories against our furry friends and publicly celebrating them in an amusing new campaign from Havas Worldwide.

As one part of the integrated campaign, the agency put missing posters for rodents all over the city, at mice level (though presumably not in the subway, where they'd be more likely to be proven wrong in an instant). Havas also created the darkly comic videos below, in which mice families deal with the horror of having ingested d-CON products.

Because if there's one advertising category where depictions of painful death are acceptable, even enjoyed, it's pest control.

Client: d-CON
Agency: Havas Worldwide, New York
Chief Creative Officer: Darren Moran              
Group Creative Directors: Dustin Duke, Jon Wagner
Creative Director: Eric Rojas
Creative Director: Gian Carlo Lanfranco
Creative Director: Rolando Cordova
Writer: Eric Bertuccio             
Global Chief Content Officer: Vin Farrell
Co-Head of Production, North America: Sylvain Tron
Executive Producer: Deepa Joshi
Producer Erin Jackson
Chief Strategy Officer: Tim Maleeny
Group Planning Director: Kerin Morrison                      
Senior Strategist: Chris Lake
Global Brand Director: Betsy Simons
Group Account Director: Joe Maglio
Account Supervisor: Darah Rifkin
Production Company: Bar 1
Director: Joe Barone                     
Mixer: Tim Leitner                    
Casting Director: Dawn Mjoen                  
Production Designer: Radek Hanak, Unit+Sofa                              
Editor: David Bartin, Studio 6