Homens depilam testículos em campanha contra o câncer

Tem circulado pela internet nos últimos dias um vídeo que mostra 20 homens sendo depilados… nos testículos. Se você é homem e se contorceu só de imaginar, então a campanha de conscientização do câncer testicular criada pela BBDO Toronto e produzida pela Crush já está surtindo efeitos.

A ideia é incentivar homens a fazerem, com regularidade, os devidos exames para a detecção deste tipo de câncer, para que eles mesmos não sejam obrigados a passar por uma depilação de testículos e sofrer igual aos voluntários da campanha.

As expressões são divertidas – afinal, pimenta no dos outros é refresco. Só fico imaginando as mulheres que fizeram parte da equipe criativa insistindo na ideia e garantindo que não ia doer nada, como se fossem vingadoras de todas as mulheres que passam por isso periodicamente…

depila depila1

Cancer Charity Dares Young Men to Wax Their Balls on Camera

Most cancer charities want to highlight how easy it is to check yourself for lumps or other danger signs, but Testicular Cancer Canada decided to grab some attention by getting guys to do it the hard way.

BBDO Toronto and video production house Crush threw a party at which 20 young men were challenged to have their balls waxed while their reactions were filmed. The results are about what you'd expect, with red-faced screaming and a myriad of facial contortions. And like half the ads on earth, it's set to the increasingly frenetic tune of "In the Hall of the Mountain King" by Edvard Grieg.

So is it a good idea to associate extreme pain with a simple and painless preventative ritual like feeling your testicles? A spokesperson for Crush sent AdFreak this response: "Given that the target audience (young guys) don't ever think about cancer, or checking themselves out, we wanted a light-hearted way to get them thinking about their own groins."

On the bright side, if you decide to go for a full wax instead of simply cupping your crotch after a shower, I'm pretty sure it unlocks an achievement for completing the challenge in Nightmare Mode.


Agency Attaches GoPro Camera to Dog, Sets It Loose in the Office for an Hour

Here's an awesome Friday-afternoon agency project: Toronto animation, design and VFX studio Crush decided to attach a GoPro camera to their dog Sadie and livestream her travels around the building today. The result was an entertainingly surreal perspective on agency life from shin level. The stream was only live for an hour, but drew nearly 1,000 viewers. Hopefully the staff—and the dog—will be up for doing it again. As someone who has worked in an agency environment for years, it just left me feeling jealous of someone who could wander the halls doing absolutely nothing and be constantly rewarded with love and food.


Lost in Motion

Lost in Motion est la nouvelle vidéo proposée pour “National Ballet of Canada” par Krystal Levy Pictures. Réalisée par Ben Shirinian, cette création permet de mettre en avant la chorégraphie et la performance du danseur Guillaume Côté. Une vidéo à découvrir dans la suite.




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