University of Chicago Economist Who Studies Media Receives Clark Medal

The American Economic Association said Matthew Gentzkow’s work cuts across academic disciplines to address concerns at the crossroads of “economics, political science and sociology.”

Larry Lujack, a Cranky Voice on Chicago Radio, Dies at 73

Mr. Lujack was a longtime disc jockey whose curmudgeonly attitude influenced current radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh and Howard Stern.


Larry Lujack, a Cranky Radio Voice That Carried, Dies at 73

Mr. Lujack was a longtime Chicago disc jockey whose curmudgeonly attitude influenced current radio personalities like Rush Limbaugh.


Walt Disney’s Chicago Birthplace to Become a Private Museum

A couple from Los Angeles have bought Disney’s birthplace in Chicago and plan to turn it into a private museum.


Jim Nayder, 59, Specialist in ‘Annoying Music,’ Dies

Mr. Nayder’s epiphany that people were attracted to “train-wreck” music led him to become the Chicago-based founder and host of “The Annoying Music Show” on NPR.