Charudutt Chitrak : Interview with a photographer
Posted in: Uncategorized“I would rather talk about me through my pictures than in words. And may be thats why I m a Photographer.”
I have always tried to create pictures that come through self expression, even in advertising no matter how tight the clients brief is .
So you would know something about me in most of my images.
According to me a picture is pointless without a photographers view point a photographer has to put something of himself in every picture he takes whether it is for selling a product in advertising, documenting the truth in journalism or the opulence in fashion.
Why are you a photographer?
Because nothing seemed easier to me, as per me photography is extremely simple and that is what makes it so complicated.
It is one of the best ways to create art and at the same time document life ,photography gives you the power to freeze moments in time, it’s upto you how beautifully you do it.
Do you remember any decisive moment when you felt ‘I want to be a photographer’?
Wanting to give photography a try as a carrier I looked for photographer to assist.
And got an opportunity to meet Pradeep Das Gupta. It was the first meeting with him in his Khirki Studio that comes closest to that decisive moment.
I was in awe of dada as everyone fondly calls him. His personality, his work and his space left no doubt in my mind that i wanted to be a photographer.
Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
As I was growing up it was like any other kid in school.
My role models were Arnold Schwarzenegger in Commando, Sylvester Stallone in Rocky and Cobra, Michael Jackson, George Michael, Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan. In short all the role models you can think of from my generation. I was and i am still very easily influenced . It was a great time. Sorry wish I could give a more intellectual answer.
Who was the most influential personality on your career in photography?
My mentor Pradeep Das Gupta.
How has photography changed over the course of the last couple of decades? Is execution/art direction more important than it used to be?
The shift from analogue to digital did not only changed the material, but also the pivotal moment has become a product of a more conscious thinking than what we called an accidental moment. No matter how sure or planned you were while shooting on film there was always something accidental and unforeseen to the extent of being mysterious, which you only realised when the film was later developed. That was the real juice or gift of photography to a photographer. That moment does not exists anymore. You know everything before it is printed, you are too safe and anything can be changed later on Photoshop. Todays digital photography is like knowing everything about your child even before it is born. God forbid if you had the means to design your own child your would never be satisfied and thats what digital is. Analogue is like the excitement, the joy of seeing your child for the first time.
This was exactly what we saw in the work of great masters of photography whether fashion or journalism the beauty of accident.
The technique of execution was a big part of becoming a master photographer (of course the idea was always of utmost importance).
But today you don’t have to be a photographer in the literal sense the line between a photographer and visual artist has burled out.
Today we shoot and shoot till we get it perfect or rather what we think is perfect.
Since technology is in a race to make photography a child’s play, photography has come down to only the exclusivity of subject and idea.
Which kills the romance that once revolved around execution of it, going to locations, waiting for the right moment, fabricating sets, and days of planning a shoot is in most cases has been replaced by green screen with endless days of staring into a monitor.
What do you think of the current state of Print Advertising photography in India? Is it at par with the work done worldwide?
Are you kidding..
Unfortunately today advertising and therefore advertising photography with it, is a money game. Photographers come under the category of vendors
India is going through a phase where quantity is more important than quality. Furthermore the lack of awareness and understanding of art in majority of our population makes it even worse.
To be fair we cannot compare Indian photography to the world because considering the history of advertising photography in the west we are mere infants.
I am not saying that India advertising photography is not at par with the world but there is a lack of personal style and originality in our work which is because photographers here are not encouraged or chosen for a particular assignment on the basis of there personal style but for all the other reasons like rapport, cost factors etc. May be that is why we don’t have photographers in India like David LaChappel, Helmut Newton, Antin Corbjin, Tim Walker, Steven Meisel, who have their own distinct styles. S o much so that sometimes campaigns are designed around them.
Where do you get your inspiration?
From everything around me.
Anything and everything.
Was there any time when you wanted to quit photography?
As they say once a photographer always a photographer.
You just cant stop looking at the world in light, shade , objects, perspective and shapes.
So yes quitting photography would only mean two things not earning my bread and butter through it or when i have nothing left to say.
Any current work in Indian Advertising that you find exciting? Especially Print?
Hoping to see one soon.
Whats your dream project?
My dream project would be to create fashion images influenced by social issues and current affairs. I feel in india our view on fashion photography is very limited to conventional aesthetics and beauty (what ever that means). And this is most evident in the field of celebrity portraits in India. I would really enjoy shooting a series of Indian celebrity portraits in my own way. Something that talks about there achievements, personality secrets etc. Rather than just a beauty picture.
Who would you want to spend a dinner with?
I. Cant think of one person I am more influenced and greater than that.
Whats on your iPod?
I can’t find my i pod may be its lost. But if you want to know what was on it then everything from trance to techno, underground to U2, Sting etc.
Mac or PC?
I am not a techno loyalist.
Which ever is more convenient and simpler to use at that moment.
Currently Mac though.
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