The Media Equation: When ‘60 Minutes’ Checks Its Journalistic Skepticism at the Door

Viewers expect and deserve the show to bring its A game when it takes on a huge issue like the N.S.A., to serve as a stand-in for the American people and ask the uncomfortable questions.


‘60 Minutes’ Is Reviewing Discredited Benghazi Report

In a brief statement, the program says the review — which had not been mentioned before — began “the moment we confirmed there was an issue in our story.”


‘60 Minutes’ Airs Apology on Benghazi

The CBS newsmagazine issued a rare retraction and apology for its report on an attack on Americans in Libya, saying it was misled by a source.


The Caucus: Clinton Defender Takes On Fox News Over Benghazi Attack

David Brock, the founder of a liberal watchdog group, has written an e-book titled “The Benghazi Hoax” and plans to advertise it on the Fox News Channel.