Can You Really Demystify Computer Code and Data in a Day?

John Ridpath measures his time at tech-education consultancy Decoded as though it were a young child. “I’ve been here 21 months,” said the company’s head of product on a bright Wednesday morning in April at Decoded’s Manhattan loft space. It’s fitting, considering Decoded is still trying to figure out what it wants to be when it grows up.

A handful of people were gathered that day, mostly Decoded staff along with one paying client, to take a daylong crash course in computer programming called Code in a Day. Designed for C-suite execs or board members who want an overview of coding concepts, the nine-hour class taught by Mr. Ridpath and freelancer YK Hong promises to take students “from zero skills and confidence to coding your own app in a single day.”

Code in a Day is a pricey proposition at $1,495. “It is a premium kind of product because it’s geared to business people who don’t have a lot of time but need to get up to speed on this world quite rapidly,” said Decoded’s U.S. CEO, Liz Lukas.

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