Artists Draw on the Walls for Sid Lee’s ‘Blackboard Day’

For anyone who’s ever tried to write with chalk, you know how challenging it can be to neatly scratch out a few words on a chalkboard. Drawing a huge mural with chalk seems exponentially daunting, which makes the projects recently completed by 15 artists in Sid Lee’s Montreal office (specifically its workshop, or “atelier” as they call it) all the more impressive.


The mural tradition–called Blackboard Day–has been going on at Sid Lee for the past decade. The artists, who are represented by MASSIVart, created the murals during a workday, as 350 Sid Lee employees went about their business. The event probably killed office productivity for a short time, but now the staff gets to look at artwork while most of us get to stare at plain walls in our cubicles and uninspiring workspaces. The murals will stay in the office for a few months before being rotated out for newer art created by different artists. Now, I wish I tried harder when writing on the board in elementary school. One more of several pieces after the jump.


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