Tribal DDB Chicago Will Now Intentionally Step in Gum on the Street


Thanks to our spies and the Tribal DDB Web site, we can be the first to tell you Tribal DDB Chicago has won the digital Wrigley’s account. The shop is now responsible for figuring out how to correlate Web surfing and chewing gum.

Although the activities are not mutually exclusive, they are mutually beneficial &#151 fresh breath and Web savvy are akin to cleanliness, and therefore Godliness. What? Now we’re just making shit up.

Anywho, Tribal has been working with Wrigley’s on a project basis over the last year. The two met during an all night bender when DDB Chicago, their mutual friend, got wasted. When his fat ass needed to be carried home, the much less drunk and physically diminutive Tribal DDB and Wrigley’s carried DDB home. At first it was awkward, but they soon realized they had something the other needed.

For Wrigley’s, Tribal has interactive capabilities. For Tribal, Wrigley’s has a pulse. It’s a win win &#151 and a good thing for Chicago overall. This is a business of people, after all isn’t it? And we’re sick of media pullbacks.

Oh and apparently, Altoids will only be doing online from here on out, which we presume means their print, TV, outdoor stuff is on hold? But it was so good!


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