GSD&M Goes Through Round of Layoffs

GSD&M was the latest agency to confirm a round of layoffs in the first month of 2018.

“Our people are our most valuable asset, and we are forever grateful for the time they invest in GSD&M’s growth and success. GSD&M, like every agency today, exists in a time of ever-evolving client needs, and it’s critical that we remain nimble,” an agency spokesperson said in a statement. “In 2018, we are changing our operating rhythm and aligning to a new method of working to ensure we have the right resources to help create ideas that make a difference for our partners.”

Sources claim that the number of employees impacted was under 20, but included a senior vice president and agency veteran. GSD&M declined to elaborate on any details.

GSD&M’s move follows a series of layoffs at TBWAChiatDay New York and across multiple Ogilvy USA offices last week.

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