Workwankers: A New Site for Creatively Venting

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Joe Sayaman and Peter Cortez have spent the last year churning out clever tech projects. In September, they gave the world the Citypricks biking PSA. Last spring, there was Citydoping NYC, and unofficial travel guide for tourists who don’t want to seem too touristy. And, of course, after Sayaman left SS+K in 2011, he produced a mobile game called Pee & Poo Save the World. Seriously. So, their latest venture, a venting website called Workwankers, seems pretty benign.


Workwankers, also developed by Sam Mylarczyk, is Tumblrish in that it’s really just a dozen or so creative slides that use illustrations and text to call out archetype ad wankers who happen to embody annoying stereotypes. Shoulderbeast is the person who hovers. Idea Killer is the office Bitter Bob. Pervoceros is the guy who mistakes creepy behavior for flirting with women. Etc. People are encouraged to call out wankers and email their suggestions to Sayaman and Cortez. It’s a simple concept, and the illustrations are great, but the site may be too generic to really make an impact. Every office has these unaware employees. Plus, after you look at the site for a minute, there’s no incentive to come back. I’d rather see the slides turned into a calendar available for purchase. That way, ad folk can post the calendar by their desks and laugh a little after an oblivious Shoulderbeast hovers. A few screen grabs after the jump.


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