Why Marissa Mayer’s Virtual Work Ban Could Never Fly in Adland

Here’s what I’m wondering. Who are all these Yahoos who were supposed to be “working from home” but weren’t really working very much at all? And how did they keep their jobs this long?

I’m a Freelancer in advertising. And do you know what would happen if I didn’t produce anything on a gig? No more gig. Over. Done. Thanks for playing. Don’t call us, we’ll call you.

What perplexes me about Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer’s decree is that instead of just firing the unproductive, she declared that they must now start coming into the office. Maybe she’s just hoping the decision will force them all to quit, thereby saving the struggling company any severance costs. But what she’s really doing is casting doubt on the very idea of the modern worker.

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