Poll: Is ‘Salt Sugar Fat’ Keeping You Awake at Night?

Perhaps you missed the Feb. 24 issue of The New York Times Magazine that featured a woman eating what looks like a Dorito. Next to the image was a quote from Robert I-San Lin, a former chief scientist for Frito-Lay, that read “I feel so sorry for the public.” Below that were the words “Inside the hyperengineered, savagely marketing, addiction-creating battle for America’s ‘stomach share.”

In case you were wondering where this was leading, story was headlined “The Extraordinary Science of Addictive Junk Food” and was, in fact, a 9,000 word excerpt from Michael Moss’ new book “Salt Sugar Fat: How the Food Giants Hooked Us.”

Moss, a Pulitzer-prize-winning New York Times journalist, told Amazon that he got the idea for the book while “investigating a surge in deadly outbreaks of E. coli in meat [and] an industry source, a microbiologist, suggested that if I wanted to see an even bigger public health hazard, I should look at what food companies were intentionally adding to their products.”

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