Wanted: Skilled Advertisers in the Middle East

Advertising Specialist Job Seekers
Here is a piece of good news to all advertising professionals. If you are hooked on to the advertising binge and wondering what options you may have, check out the Middle East countries. From this report, a huge demand for advertising professionals will be needed due to shortage of people with creative minds.

Just like other growing economies, it seems that the periodic demand for specialized skills will continue. This time around, advertising experts will be the main attraction.

“As an emerging market, the region still has significant challenges to meet such as growing the pool of available advertising talent. The Arab world shares the same culture, language and understanding amongst its states. From an agency’s perspective, this homogeneity should boost the advertising industry and reduce the people’s shortage as markets with high advertising demand could recruit people from less demand markets who still have strong grasp of the region as a whole.”

– Shadi Al Hasan, Managing Director of Flagship Projects Marketing, one of the fastest growing integrated marketing solutions providers in the region.

(Source) Middle East Events

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