90% of Super Bowl Social Buzz Came From Mobile (iPhone Ruled)


Social media management platform Engagor has compiled an infographic of Super Bowl social media stats. Chief, and unsurprising, among the findings was that 90% of social media activity emanated from a mobile device with 3X the number of posts coming from an iPhone compared to an Android device.

Other findings include:

  • Most discussed ads came from Budweiser, Pepsi, Coke, Bud Light and Butterfinger
  • Brands that engaged most were GoDaddy, Wonderful PIstachios, Sonos, Jaguar and Verizon
  • Top hashtags during the game were #seahawks, #brincos, #halftime, #bestbubds, #gethyped, #doritos, #beckhamforhm, #snickers
  • Top tweets came from H&M, Budweiser and Snickers
  • Most active states were California, Texas, New York, Florida and Washington


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