70% of Americans Watch Super Bowls Ads Before Game Day [Infographic]
Posted in: UncategorizedHere’s a round up of Super Bowl stats from Venables Bell & Partners. The study, in it’s fifth year, queries Americans on their Super Bowl-related behaviors with a focus on social media habits and ad viewership. The year is shaping up to be a favorable one for marketers. Stats include:
Americans’ Love for Super Bowl Ads Continues to Grow:
– 78% would rather watch the Super Bowl with commercials. 70% will pay attention to ads before the game and 45% will seek out ads before kickoff (A 350% increase since 2010).
– Post-game, viewers are as likely to talk about Super Bowl ads as they are plays. More than half (52%) will re-watch ads after the game.
• Viewers are 105% more likely to “like” on Facebook a brand that advertised in the game vs. a team that played in the game.
Facebook Remains Vital to Super Bowl Advertising:
– 41% of Americans and 69% of millennials will be on Facebook during the game.
– 36% of Americans say engaging in the social media conversation “enhances” their Super Bowl viewing experience. This number increases to 68% for millennials.
– Of the 36% of people who will share their favorite Super Bowl ad, 77% will do so via Facebook and 15% on Twitter.
– Millennials are more likely to seek out information on an advertiser via Facebook than a brand site, an omen for the future.
Humor Rules:
– 95% of Americans say humor makes a Super Bowl ad memorable.
– Of the 33% of Americans (65% of millennials) who would likely use a hashtag from a Super Bowl spot, 26% (53% of Millennials) reported they would use a hashtag if was funny over if they liked the brand (9%) or commercial (10%).
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