6 Ways to Market Your Handmade Products


Does your business sell handmade products? If so, you need to know how to market them effectively.

Personalization and attention to detail are key differentiators when comparing handmade products and mass-produced machine-made products. However, you must effectively reach out to your key demographic, communicate what makes your products special, and get people to buy your products. That’s not necessarily as easy as it sounds. But where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Keep reading to see six ways to market and sell your handmade products.

1. Find Customers Where They Are
Did you know that around 5 billion people worldwide use social media? So, if marketing your handmade products business, you must use social media to find and engage with consumers. Social media is advantageous from a digital marketing perspective because you can find your target demographic. You don’t have to cast a wide net and catch many consumers who aren’t a good fit. Leveraging social media, you can drill down and target your desired demographic.

You can search based on gender, age, occupation, relationship status, region, hobbies, and other things that can help you find consumers who constitute your ideal customer. That’ll help you focus on digital marketing in a way that boosts your upside potential.

2. Build a Website That Showcases Your Handmade Products
If your business lacks a website, you should remedy that immediately. A website is vital for many reasons. It can establish credibility and provide a platform to sell your wares — whether leather bucket bags, pottery, or anything else.

When building an online storefront, remember to focus on posting pictures. High-quality images can communicate more than a page full of text. By posting various images to showcase your handmade products, you can breathe life into your products so that consumers immediately see the unique value proposition.

It also pays to invest in search engine optimization so that your company’s website address ranks high whenever consumers search for products you specialize in. So, merely having a professional website isn’t nearly enough. You need to consider SEO to drive traffic to your website.

4. Start Local
While selling to a worldwide audience is nice, you should prioritize your local area first. The most effective kind of marketing is word-of-mouth marketing. Attend flea markets, sell handmade products in local stores via consignment arrangements, and offer free giveaways. You want to increase brand recognition that can ultimately move the need revenue-wise.

So, while focusing on consumers worldwide is vital if your product has that sort of appeal, prioritizing consumers close to home is a good decision. That’s especially true in the early going.

5. Email Lists
Despite what you may have heard before, email hasn’t gone out of style. Yes, people enjoy instant messaging and texting. But email has its place, too, in digital marketing. Collect emails from customers or interested consumers, get their permission to correspond by email, and engage with people in your target consumer demographic.

You can communicate the unique value proposition of your products, explain the pain points the products can solve for customers, get consumer feedback, and announce important developments like special promotions or discounts. Keeping in touch with customers and consumers is a great way to keep them in the loop and generate more revenue.

6. Paid Advertising
While free advertising on social media is possible, you can generate greater results with paid advertising. Consider the social media platforms your target customer demographic uses and look into paid advertising options that help you reach the people who fit your ideal customer profile. It can be a powerful part of your digital marketing strategy.

Keep these recommendations in mind to effectively market your handmade products business. You can connect and engage with consumers and convince them to patronize your store.

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