DOE Road Safety "Classroom" (2014) :60 (Ireland)

This ad for road safety/anti-speeding is only aired after 9pm, because of its shocking conclusion. It starts out as an innocent fly on the wall in a classroom full of lovely little kids, and then follows them out on a class trip.



Jacob Reischel’s Set Design

Les photographes berlinoises Julia Strathmann et Marie Jacob (connues sous le nom de Jacob Reischel) font de très beaux set designs pour des magazines et des marques d’accessoires et de cosmétiques. Elles mélangent le collage, le food-art, le floral et des diptyques pour des compositions colorées et minimalistes.


Glass Tea House

Pour la 14ème édition de La Biennale di Venezia – International Architecture du 7 Juin au 23 Novembre 2014, l’artiste japonais Hiroshi Sugimoto a présenté sa maison de thé en verre transparent appelée « Mondrian », en clin d’oeil à l’artiste hollandais. Un joli pavillon situé au Stanze del Vetro, à découvrir.


Kits For Life Books Series

La designer et illustratrice Marcia Mihotich a été sollicitée par The School of Life et l’éditeur Pan Macmillan pour créer une collection de livres très graphiques intitulée « Toolkit for Life », en 2 volumes. Il s’agit de 12 guides pour affronter la vie et notre temps. Les couvertures sont à découvrir en images.


Arthur Tress Strange Photography

Dans les années 1960-1970s, le photographe américain Arthur Tress s’est intéressé au monde des rêves et des cauchemars avec ses clichés et notamment avec la série « Theater of the Mind », dans laquelle il s’amuse à illustrer et mettre en scène les rêves d’enfants ainsi que ceux d’adultes, proposant ainsi des images en noir & blanc étranges et d’une grande qualité.

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Evolve – Playthings / Dildo – (2014) :30 (USA)

Evolve - Playthings / Dildo - (2014) :30 (USA)

Evolve (together), is a kitchen table birthed group dedicated to changing the behaviour among millions of people… gun owners.



Domino's – Failure is an Option / Cookie Pizza – (2014) :30 (USA)

Domino's - Failure is an Option / Cookie Pizza - (2014) :30 (USA)

In this chest-thumping, pep-talking Domino’s ad, various employees such as product innovation managers and EVP of operations talk about trying things, and failing, which brings them to better.



Incestuous Princess Posters – These Abuse Awareness Illustrations by Saint Hoax Are Cringe-Inducing (GALLERY)

( This disturbing abuse awareness poster series was created by anonymous artist Saint Hoax, in response to finding out that a close friend was raped at the age of seven by her father. The illustrated &#…

Iraq’s Sunni Militants Take to Social Media to Advance Their Cause and Intimidate

The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria has demonstrated modern sophistication in its adoption of social media, particularly Twitter, where its hashtags have gained jihadist followers.

11 Paper Place Story

« 11 Papier Place » est une histoire d’amour entre deux feuilles de papier qui se transforment comme par magie en personnages grâce au dysfonctionnement d’une imprimante. Réalisée en partie par Daniel Houghton, cette belle histoire pleine d’imagination et de créativité donne le sourire à ceux qui l’a regarde.

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Facebook experiments with "emotion contagion" in social media. Which emotion triggers buying?

In this paper, a facebook scientist reveal some of what they’ve learned while experimenting with “emotion contagion”, a well known phenomena where positive or negative emotions are transferred to people that come in contact with the positive, or negative, person. At Facebook they tested this in the realm of social media, by messing with peoples feeds.


Stung by Supreme Court, Aereo Suspends Service

The start-up, which provides streaming over-the-air television, said it was not shutting down, only pausing to map out its next moves.

Mindshare on the Fifa World Cup, Luis Suarez and favourite goal celebrations

As part of ITN Production’s ‘Media Talks the World Cup’, executives from WPP’s Mindshare offer their thoughts on a week of action, dominated by Uruguay’s Luis Suarez, who has been banned for four months from football for biting Italy’s Giorgio Chiellini.

The Grand Budapest Hotel In Lego

Le designer américain Ryan Ziegelbauer a décidé de recréer en LEGO l’hôtel du film de Wes Anderson : The Grand Budapest Hotel. Le designer a repris tous les détails de l’hôtel, de ses couleurs, à l’arbre près. La conception de ce bâtiment, devenu culte, est à découvrir en vidéo, avec la présence du Lobby Boy.


Polar Bears – The Quest for Sea Ice

La marque de caméras GoPro nous invite à suivre dans cette superbe vidéo les ours polaires traversant l’Océan Arctique à la recherche de terres glacées pour vivre. Une vidéo tournée à la HD Hero3+ émouvante, réalisée avec la complicité du Arctic Exploration Fund.

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We Are Gaia Series

Laurent Seince (ou encore Aka Studio) est un directeur artistique français qui a réalisé une très belle série intitulée « We Are Gaia ». Sous forme de diptyques, il confronte des images terrestres de la NASA et des femmes dont les corps reflètent les motifs de la Terre. Un hommage à la beauté de la Terre.


Pop Culture Temporary Tattoos – TATTOOTATTAA Temporary Tattoos are for Commitment-Phobe Hipsters (GALLERY)

( For those who have always wanted to get inked but can’t commit to forever, the TATTOOTATTAA temporary tattoos are just for them. Keeping in mind that they are temporary, the designs are…

Suggestive Business Attire – Necessary Clothing's Bustier and Pencil Skirt Set are Not Safe for Work (GALLERY)

( Though inspired by a traditional business suit, this plaid bustier and pencil skirt set from Necessary clothing is not safe for work.

Displayed in a chic, black-and-white print, the ensemble is…

Island House by Peter Rose + Partners

Nichée sur l’île de Chappaquiddick près de Edgartown dans le Massachusetts, cette résidence familiale composée de quatre structures a été conçue par Peter Rose + Partners. Principalement en bois, cette maison a la particularité d’avoir d’immenses ouvertures sur l’environnement et presque aucune cloison à l’intérieur. Une architecture à couper le souffle à découvrir.

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The ecopolitics beneath the world’s hottest conflict.

From Adbusters #113: Blueprint for a New World, Part 2: Eco

China Photo Press

The dystopic image of a gigantic electronic sign blasting a photograph of a beautiful sunset struck a deep chord in the global conscience. Even when the photo was exposed as an editorial hoax—it was in fact just a tourism advert, not a government campaign to make people living in the devastated landscape feel better—the gut wrenching feeling of shock never left those who saw it. Most news outlets refused to correct their stories because, even though it was a lie, it was ?somehow still true.

Why did this false image permeate so far into the infosphere? Certainly, the Western media’s predisposition toward apocalyptic Chinese narratives played a role, but that is only a part of it.

Truth is, China scares the crap out of us.

Everything America, Europe and the former Soviet Bloc have done to the planet, China has managed to do at a scale and pace former empires could only have dreamed. The Three Gorges Dam. Skyscrapers built in a matter of months. Nearly an entire nation lifted out of abject poverty in less than two generations. And it has all come at an unprecedented environmental cost.

Mega cities engulfed in a toxic haze where breathing kills. Places where recycled sewage water is the only safe water to drink. Beaches where the entire shoreline is draped in a squishy layer of algae and plastic.

With 1.3 billion consumers eager for their share of the planetary feast, China is the canary in the global coal mine. We can all feel the catastrophe coming and any hint of it causes us to stop, look, and think of nothing else but our own future of electronic suns.
