11 Templates to Create Social Updates, Blog Posts, Infographics


If you’re doing marketing right, you have a lot on your plate. Managing social media, producing content, updating your website, tweaking your SEO and more. And you have to create reports to summarize all this work to clients, bosses and co-workers. Wouldn’t it be great if you had a cheat sheet of sorts for all this reporting?

Thanks to HubSpot, now you do. HubSpot has put together the Ultimate Library of Inbound Marketing Templates. But don ‘t let the term Inbound Marketing hang you up. Although much of what you’re doing now is inbound marketing (perhaps without even knowing it), these templates can be used for all kinds of marketing.

The templates include:

1. Social Media Publishing Template
2. Blog Editorial Calendar
3. Designed Ebook Template
4. Designed Infographic Template
5. On-Page SEO Template
6. Sales and Marketing Agreement Template
7. Monthly Marketing Reporting Template
8. Buyer Personas Template
9. Designed Calls-to-Action Template
10. SMART Marketing Goals Template
11. Website Redesign Template

Click here to grab them all and make your life much, much easier.

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