WATERisLIFE: A 4 year old’s bucket list: #7: Drive a race car
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Unlike most four year olds, Nkaitole’s best memories may be in his rearview mirror. These are memories that probably aren’t very great to start with, considering where he lives in sub-Saharan Africa—a place so remote, it’s impossible for kids to grow up with the same fond memories of childhood that we do. He’d never sat behind the wheel of a go-cart before today, or even a regular car for that matter. Which means memories of sitting on his father’s lap, driving the car down the road, are something he’ll miss out on. He’ll never have the memory of a family road trip, fighting with his sister in the back of the van. Instead, he will remember seeing her do manual labor at the age of five. And he’ll never have the memory of his parents driving him to the local convenience store, treating him to an ice-cold drink when he’s thirsty. What takes its place is the memory of him walking daily to the nearest watering hole to fetch water that’s not even safe to drink. That’s the same water that kills one in five children before their fifth birthday. So as you can imagine, this go-cart ride is bigger than just a go-cart ride for Nkaitole. Not just because it’s a positive memory for a change, but because it’s one of the many things that make up his bucket list. Something no four year old should even have in the first place. To make a change in the life of Nkaitole and other children like him, donate to WATERisLIFE.com.
Advertising Agency: DDB, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officer: Matt Eastwood
Executive Creative Director: Menno Kluin
Group Creative Director: Andrew McKechnie
Associate Creative Directors: Frank Cartagena, Sam Shepherd
Head of Design: Juan Carlos Pagan
Designer: Brian Gartside
Photographer: Alec Helm
Photographer: Frank Le Blanc
Retouching: John Cason
Head of Production: Ed Zazzera
Producer: Nina Horowitz
Published: December 2013
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