Watch Cats Basically Hump Direct Mail Coated With Kitty Crack

In retrospect, it seems obvious. To get cats to pay attention to your direct mail, just soak the damn fliers in catnip—and watch the kitties lose their minds when the mail arrives.

That's what Vancouver agency Rethink did recently for a cat litter client. As seen in the video below, the engagement with the marketing is undeniable—and pretty cute to watch also.

Owners have been targeted through their pets' olfactory senses before, of course, though in somewhat grosser ways—like the old Animal Planet ads that smelled like urine, placed at the foot of lampposts in the U.K.

Credits below.

Client: Bulk Cat Litter Warehouse
Agency: Rethink Canada, Vancouver
Creative Directors: Ian Grais, Chris Staples
Art Director: Leia Rogers
Copywriter: Bob Simpson
Designer: Lisa Nakamura
Account Manager: Marie Lunny
Print Producer: Cary Emley / Sue Wilkinson
Printer: Metropolitan Fine Printers
Editor: Chris Nielsen
Cats: Mona, Bella, Ommie, Jojo, Paul, Linus, Malo, Taika,
Riley, Gracie, Prince Ruv, Bagheera, and Pebble


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