Vinay Daniel : Digital Art

Vinay Daniel an Electrical engineer by education but a concept artist and digital painter by passion; Currently working with an animation company in Bangalore as a 3D Lighting and Compositing artist. He has been artistic as a child and has continued working towards it each day. He creates digital art of surreal worlds and intense characters that build through the use of Photoshop. Vinay’s worlds intertwine the elements of fantasy, adventure and science fiction that have been assembled and put down to visuals. When he is not drawing, he likes to spend his time bird watching, nature travels, watching movies and listening to music.
When I was asked to choose a profession, I took up Electrical Engineering. 4 years of my life was the best time spent exploring various things in life. Art being one of it and something that molded everything I am today.
A vital part of my life growing up has always been Art and its influences. Colors beckoned me to experiment what I could do. I have constantly been involved and interested in different artworks; be it poster color painting or canvas painting. I watched and learnt from various people I have come across in the walk of my life. I am still learning and exploring all aspects of my creative thoughts and capabilities. I am currently working as a 3D professional for an animation studio in Bangalore.

Why are you an Illustrator?
Why not? Illustrator, Concept Artist, Artist… different words all connecting art. Art is in everything and anything you see. So why not do something I would love? An artist is like the protagonist and the audience to his own work. An Artist has a very broad spectrum to explore and understand. A role of an artist is never defined. It changes, grows and evolves every passing day.
Digital painting is fun and interesting, yet very serious business all at the same time. For me, this stream of art gives me a high, an elevation with endless freedom of infinite nights of doodling and scribbling. Painting requires the bravery of solitude, it requires disciplined labor. To be a painter is to search the world with a benevolent eye for every subtle beauty that the infinite world offers.

Did you attend school for fine art or design?
No, self taught and learning from artists from all walks of life.

You have a distinct style of illustration. How long did it take you to develop your style?
Much of my art is Digital, so I work on a computer for it and I use the software Photoshop as a medium to display my train of thoughts and colors. The freedom a computer gives is you have options of adding a lot of layers and levels to your artwork, which in real is a bit difficult to get. It sort of gives you a freedom to paint, but denies you the complete feeling of getting your hands dirty, which is also a lot of fun, but I prefer it this way. The crayons and pencils are replaced by the Wacom tablet and pen. It becomes your best friend and more like an extension of your fingers when you venture into Digital painting or Concept Art. Well, I have been working on this style for about 1 – 2 years now; I hope to get better at it each day.

Were there any particular role models for you when you grew up?
Yes! All artists inspire you. From music to painters to concept artists; as my professional clan is fondly referred to. There are several artists I learn from each day with every work they do. There is always a signature style they use in their artworks, which intrigues me. I dint know much about digital art as a kid, but I liked the paintings without even knowing the artist’s names. But now I try to follow them. My mentors and great influences in Concept art would be Justin Coro Kauffman, David Levy and Ryan Church; I also admire the works of Frank Frazetta.

Who was the most influential personality on your career in Illustrations?
All artists inspire me! From musicians to canvas painters to concept artists; everyone inspires you at various points in life. These are the people that influence your hands and mind.

What made you decide to become a freelance illustrator? When did you start freelancing? Do you illustrate for advertising? Are many advertising agencies getting illustrations made these days? Do you work more with agencies or publishers?
I am not a freelance illustrator. I am a full time professional at an animation company in Bangalore who works on various animation projects. I am open to freelancing and working with advertising studios if the project interests me though.

Was there any time when you wanted to quit Illustrations?
No. Once you get into it, this question doesn’t exist anymore.

Have you considered turning your illustrations into graphic novels?
I do intend on publishing this into a book, but it’s a long process which I am working on build on.

Any other Indian Illustrators who you admire?
Dhilip Kumar Somesh and Neville D’souza

Do you have any favorite fellow illustrators or resources relating to your fields?
I am always on a healthy dose of looking into the internet era of digital painters who I can look upto. Hence, it has always been Android Jones, Feng Zhu, Dylan Cole and Daniel Dociu amongst many others

You have such a wide experience as a top working professional. What advice do you have for aspiring creative professionals? Would you advise them to take on Illustration as a career option? Is it paying well enough?
Art is the way you see it! It’s what your mind can visualize it to be. Being an artist is always about the ability to guide and teach yourself, to recreate something you have imagined or dreamt about. It is quite complex and not an easy task to get that going. It’s like handling an alter ego and making sure he is doing exactly what you want him to. See, that’s like talking crazy! All artists need to be insane enough to stay inspired to be able to do this for a living or even personal works too, no offense! You form and manage to make art flow because you want to see it! You want your eyes to believe what your mind is imagining. So, focus, research, paint as much as you can. An artist, who paints often, is just like a poet; with extremely good hand and eye co ordination.
In concept art, only one thing counts: What you do next! Illustration is decent paying. But the irony still lies in people trying to get it for cheaper rather than appreciate the effort and creativity behind it. But I believe if you create the need to be well paid, you will get it.

Mac or PC?

Who would you like to take out for dinner?
Scarlett Johansson

What’s on your iPod?
AC DC, Rage against the machine and Pink Floyd!!!






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