Taco Bell’s Breakfast Endorser: Ronald McDonald

Ronald McDonald loves Taco Bell’s breakfast.

That’s what Taco Bell is saying in its campaign introducing its biggest menu rollout yet. The Mexican food chain located a slew of actual Ronald McDonalds and got them to appear in new ads for its breakfast launch proclaiming their love for Taco Bell’s new breakfast menu. And the chain clearly isn’t clowning around: Taco Bell says the marketing campaign will be by far the biggest in its 50-plus year history.

The TV spots central to the campaign are a blatant poke at McDonald’s, the biggest player in breakfast by a wide margin, without an actual mention of the category kingpin. “It’s not surprising these guys are loving Taco Bell’s new Waffle Taco,” says the voice-over in one ad. “What is surprising is who they are.” Then the host of Ronald McDonalds introduce themselves.

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