Steelhouse Simplifies Online Ads With A2
Posted in: UncategorizedAs a creative, you want your work to shine wherever it is seen right? But you dread all the technological hassles that go along with converting your idea to a workable online ad unit, right? Coding sucks. Flash doesn’t work on mobile. HTML5 challenges some browsers. And all those rich media technologies make your head spin. Are we right? Of course we are.
Well, perhaps, your life may get a bit easier. A company called Steelhouse has launched A2, a new tool that brings the simplicity of drag and drop and point and click to online ad creation. The company says the tool will allow for the inclusion of video, images, location-aware information, product carousels, social sharing and content derived from behavioral data.
Of the offering, Steelhouse CEO Mark Douglas said, “Whether they want to admit it or not, brands are embarrassed by the quality of their display advertising. Display ads are stuck in a static time warp surrounded by a world of video, mobile apps and social tools. The reality is that the ads brands want have been too hard and time consuming to create.”
It might be worth check out if you’re actively creating online ads but can’t stand all the complexity. Check out the intro video below. And you can see one of the ads in action here.
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