Pitch update: Royal Navy and Air Force pitch, British Airways, British Red Cross

Agencies have been told what to expect from British Airways wholesale creative review. With Oystercatchers now stepping down from the process, chemistry meetings are taking place over the next week. This will be followed by the issue of a brief in October, tissue meetings, pitches and an appointment in January. Those competing are believed to include Adam Eve/DDB, Grey London, Ogilvy Mather and the incumbents, Bartle Bogle Hegarty and OgilvyOne.
Three agencies pitched for the British Red Cross business earlier this week. Leagas Delaney, the incumbent, did not participate.
The Government Procurement Service issued an RFI last Friday for the combined Royal Navy/Royal Air Force pitch. The accounts, handled by WCRS and DLKW Lowe respectively, are now open to all agencies on the GPS creative roster.
Equimedia, an incumbent on All Leisure Group (whose brands include Voyages of Discovery and Swan Hellenic), has pulled out of its media review, citing a “cultural gap”.

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