Pace Salsa Deletes Twitter Account After Insane Online Meltdown


This, bay far, has to be the worst (best) Twitter-based brand implosion we’ve ever seen. Over the weekend, Twitter user Kyle Kinane (@kylekinane) struck up a conversation with Pace Foods (@Pace_Foods) and things quickly turned ugly. Kinane taunted the account to prove it was simply a bot responding to tweets. Then some humans on the Pace side of things became involved. And it got even uglier.

The story has everything a great thriller would have. Account impersonation. Account hijacking. A fake account created by Pace Foods to try to get an employee fired. Lying. Deception. Humor. A brand suspending its Twitter account. Everything you could ever want in a social media flame out.

Rather than recreate the entire conversation here — after all why duplicate efforts when you can just link…which, of course is the beauty of the internet — you can read all the delicious details and peruse a timeline of events over at Huffington Post.

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