ORPP "Indie88 Brent" (2016) 3:23 (Canada)

Wide-eyed millennial named Brent, an Indie88 DJ, learns about the real world with from a retiree named Kathy. He teaches Kathy how to be a DJ. She teaches him he should have started saving for retirement a long time ago. Kathy teaches Brent how to do the Charleston. Brent teaches Kathy all about selfies. Kathy teaches Brent about the value of hard work and delayed gratification. Brent daydreams about retirement and like the idea of “like, not having to be somewhere. I can sleep in for as long as I humanly want..I can just watch show after show after show.” Kathy then gets to here what passes for a radio promo for a classical music program that Brent has created. Brent likes to give high fives. Kathy learns there’s no hope for the future generation of Canadians.
I love this. The premise is great– it’s never too early to think about retirement. Especially with these children.
And Kathy is a peach. I want to hang out with her. If I can’t hang out with her, I want to write her snail mail or have Sunday evening phone chats.
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