One Laptop Per Child Help-In: Help-in

One Laptop Per Child

A simple way to passively help a charity Everyday, millions of internet users operate a handful of internet services (Facebook, Linked-in, Google…) under the premise that they are free. But that’s a misconception. 

Every time one of these “free” services get used, something very valuable is given away: Personal data. 

The non-profit organisation One Laptop Per Child wants to give people a chance to donate their personal data to charity instead of giving it away to colossal internet corporations. 

With Help-In, a plug-in for web browsers, people will have their internet habits recorded and anonymously sent to One Laptop Per Child. Afterwards, the non-profit can sell it to support their cause. 

Help-In is a fictional student campaign, thought up by two Miami Ad School students, Alejandro Rodriguez Ladeveze and Sine Marie Harwits. This video explains how the idea would work if the client adopts it.

Advertising School:Miami Ad School, San Francisco, USA
Creatives:Alejandro Ladeveze, Sine Marie

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