New York Times Publisher Says Print Will Outlive Desktops
Posted in: Uncategorized“Print will be around longer than the desktop,” New York Times Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. told a group of media professionals Thursday morning.
That’s not to say that print will knock out computers, or anything like that, but that mobile devices are quickly eating into desktop dominance. The statement came as Mr. Sulzberger and Times CEO Mark Thompson talked at a Media Minds breakfast about the new subscription products and mobile apps they hope will refuel digital subcription growth at the company.
More than half of Times revenue now comes from the circulation side of the business, with a strong assist from digital subs, as advertising revenue continue to fall. But the Times only increased digital subscriptions by 33,000 in the fourth quarter of 2013, a bigger increase than the second or third quarter of last year but a smaller rise than in earlier periods.
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