Mullen ‘World’s Toughest Job’ Spot Goes Viral

One day in and this Mullen spot already has more than a million views thanks to its appearance on every blog around as well as, you know, the enduring power of maternal love.

Because we’re cynical bastards who don’t fully appreciate our mothers, our favorite part of this campaign is the fact that the original fake listing supposedly scored 2.7 million impressions but only 24 applications–thereby demonstrating the incalculable value of paid placement.

We also applaud the Huffington Post for yesterday’s most blatant Upworthy ripoff headline:

“24 Applicants Were Terrified To Do This Job. Then They Found Out Why Billions Already Do It.”

On the shameless self-promotion front: the “job” in the spot was obviously not real, but these open positions at Mullen most definitely are.

Now please talk about how much you don’t want to apply for them.


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