Droga5 Wins Top Prize for Thunderclap at 50th Andy Awards
Posted in: UncategorizedDroga5 won the top prize, the Grandy Award, at the International Andy Awards on Thursday night for its work on Thunderclap, a “crowdspeaking” platform.
The agency’s De-De innovation lab conceived the platform, which lets users create a campaign with a message and then invite their personal networks to support it, but Thunderclap is now operating as its own business. Organizations using Thunderclap include The White house, One.org, the United Nations and Human Rights Watch.
The awards, which are presented annually by The Ad Club of New York, this year included new “Bravery Awards” intended to mark the Andys’ 50th anniversary. The “Bravest Legacy Marketer” award was bestowed on Volkswagen for “Think Small” and other campaigns. Chipotle received “Bravest Current Marketer.”
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