Banning Negative Behaviour for Health – New Policies in Serbian Hospitals

( Negative words are not exactly a good thing to expose sick patients to. Serbia has decided to implement a new rule banning gossip from all hospitals in the country. They’ve also said they wouldn’t tolerate rudeness, grouchy moods. The staff were also prohibited from accepting brides (gifts, money) i…

Tattoo Vaccine – More Effective Than Traditional Shot

( Forget about going to the doctor for a shot, locate your nearest tattoo parlor because researchers in Germany have observed that a greater amount of antibodies are produced when a rapidly vibrating tattoo instrument delivers vaccinations into a patient’s body.

Over the past 100 years, tattoos have…

Implant Restores Sight to the Blind – Artificial Cornea

( Technological advancements have allowed researches from Frauhofer Institute in Germany to produce an aesthetic cornea that may give hope to the blind. The Cornea is carefully layered with a special protein that latches to the natural cornea after implantation.

These sight-saving implants have been…

“Real” Perpetual Motion Machine – Perepiteia (VIDEO)

( Thane Heins is careful never not to claim that his Perepiteia is a perpetual motion machine, yet it accelerates from exposure to a permanent magnet, and that’s not supposed to happen.

Scientists from top universities (University of Virginia, Michigan State University, the University of Toronto a…

See-Through Fish Created for Cancer Study – Transparent Zebrafish

( Scientists have created a see-through Zebrafish to help conduct research on how cancer spreads inside an organism. The entire fish is see-through, from bones to organs making it possible for the first time to study the disease without dissection.

It was engineered at the Children’s Hospital, Bos…

Lollipop Good For Your Teeth

( Willy Wonka loved candy. His father was a dentist. Combine the two and you get Professor Wenyuan Shi, Chairman of the Oral Biology Department at the UCLA School of Dentistry.

He has developed a therapeutic, orange-flavored lollipop that is good for your teeth. His secret ingredient is an extract o…

Wrinkle Prevention Exercise – Yoga Face (VIDEO)

( Celebrity name-dropping New York yoga teacher Annelise Hagen of the prerequisitely snobby New York Health & Racquet Club is promoting Face Yoga.

According the Hagen, the bizarre facial exercises prevent aging and wrinkles and is practiced by stars like Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Aniston. Face Yo…

Tear Free Onion Created – Dry Your Eyes

( Scientists have discovered how to create an onion that will be “tear-free” ending whole eye watering fiasco when cooking with them. They used biotechnology to switch off the gene that makes our eyes sting, and therefore water.

The success of the New Zealand and Japanese is being widely celebrated a…

Take Your Medication Via Tooth Implant – IntelliDrug

( The conventional method of taking prescription drugs is to take them manually, but that can sometimes lead to forgetfulness. With the IntelliDrug, however, you would never forget to take your meds again.

IntelliDrug is a device only two molar widths in size, made up of stainless steel and polymers,…

Hi-Tech Band-Aid – The Sensium

( How could you make a bandage complex? Add a wireless chip that can wire your vitals to your doctor, of course! Start-up company, Toumaz Technology, has created a band-aid called The Sensium with an embedded sensor can take an ECG, three axis- accelerometer, blood glucose reading, ph-level, and blood…

Furniture Can Change Your Thoughts – Mind Chair (GALLERY)

( The Mind Chair is the creation of London designers Peter Marigold and Beta Tank and is an amazing chair that utilizes sensory substitution technology developed in the 1960s to send and display high-definition moving imagery into the mind of the person seated in it. The design uses a standard plastic…

Scientific Threesome – 3 Parent Embryo Could Cure Genetic Diseases

( Earlier this week we reported lesbians can now have babies after a discovery was made men may no longer be needed for reproduction, but for those who do want some male action in the baby creation process, another new discovery was made this week.

Fancy a threesome? Scientists have been able to cre…

Helmet May Reverse Dementia – Scientific Research on Memory

( Alzheimer’s disease is an insidious disease that kills hundreds of thousands and causes untold pain for the family. This helmet can help reverse the symptoms with as little as ten minutes per day. Infra-red light causes the brain to create more cells.

“The study at Sunderland found that exposing mi…

Protective Party Bags – Safe Clubbing Pack

( In the small town of Swindon, South England, Clubbers are being handed party bags containing essential items in order to protect them throughout their hedonistic evening. The kits contain a bottle of water to prevent dehydration, lollipops to raise blood sugar level as it has been proven low blood …

Fixing What Keeps Us Awake – Dermasilk Nightwear from Travelodge

( Do these come in red for Valentine’s Day? These pajamas are made for those who suffer from chronic “I have a headache syndrome.” Travelodge hotel chain surveyed their customers and found that itchy nightwear kept them from getting a good night’s sleep, so they tried to invent a better nightgown. Bei…

Study: Cell Phones Unlikely to Cause Cancer – Breast Implants, Coffee Safe Too

( We’ve all heard that cell phone waves can be harmful to the body, but some great news for mobile addicts was made public today; it turns out, cell phones may not be cancerous after all.

The finding comes from an Australian study dedicated to debunking popular myths, including if drinking coffee, g…

New Concept in Pet Adoption –

( Having a pet whale is something that seems a bit odd, kind of like having a pet giraffe. But the possibility to actually claim having a pet whale is just around the corner. Having a look at puts the idea into perspective.

It’s a niche social networking site for those in the whale …

Double Dipping is Wrong – Science Proves Seinfeld Right (VIDEO)

( Research inspired by Seinfeld has proven that double dipping is indeed wrong or as they said on the show, “That’s like putting your whole mouth right in the dip!”

University students examined the spreading of germs using double dipping and discovered that up to 10,000 bacteria were transferred fro…

Galactic Radio – NASA Broadcasts Beatles “Across the Universe” (VIDEO)

( NASA is going to broadcast the Beatles’ hit song “Across the Universe” through our Galaxy to the North Star, the space agency reported. This will be the first ever broadcast of a radio song into deep space. It will take a long and winding road of 431 years for the signal to reach its destinati…

Sperm Created From Female Embryo – Men Not Needed, Lesbian Pregnancy Possible

( Scientists have created sperm from a female embryonic stem cell, leaving our male futures, for lack of a better word, lonely. The accomplishment come from the University of Newcastle scientists who now face the task of achieving the same results (creating sperm) from female bone marrow, which would …