Adams Jr. Succeeds Hughes as Head of VCU Brandcenter Board

And now, a bit of news news. The baton has officially been passed from one Martin Agency exec to another as the Richmond, VA operation’s chairman John B. Adams Jr. is taking over for longtime friend and colleague, Martin president Mike Hughes, as head of the VCU Brandcenter’s Board of Directors, which includes other notable names such as David Droga and Bob Greenberg Hughes, who you’re probably aware is battling cancer at the moment, will step down from his VCU leadership position, one he’s held for two decades, and into the role of chairman emeritus with the Brandcenter’s Advisory Board.

In a statement, the outgoing VCU board head says, ““I’m especially proud of my part in helping to bring [Brandcenter director] Helayne [Spivak] and John to these positions. I can’t imagine two better people to lead the changes and advances ahead. The students, faculty and the industry should all feel very good about this. My 34-year partnership with John and my 20-year relationship with the Brandcenter have been two of the highlights of my career. I envy their opportunity to help define the future of this business and the future of advertising and branding education.”

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And Now, a Heartwarming Exchange Between an Agency Prez & CCO

This actually happened a few days ago, but we figured a good warming of the cockles was in order to kick off yet another work week. If you haven’t heard, Martin Agency president Mike Hughes has been battling cancer for some time now and began documenting what he’s going through under hospice care via his blog, “Unfinished Thinking (and now there’s a sister blog as well). Well, weeks after his writing commenced, his agency, led by chief creative officer Joe Alexander, sent some love back his way via the tribute site, “We All Love Mike.”

Well, the fond reciprocation has continued as of last week as Alexander sent this note to Hughes that perhaps provides a glimpse into their relationship and perhaps the culture at Martin:  ”Last year, I approached the St. Paul School Board about a scholarship in my dad’s name. He was a lifelong educator in St. Paul and really felt teaching was his “calling.” They loved the idea and I’m happy to say we have a first winner. It’s an annual award that will be given to a minority male graduating senior who has committed to majoring in education in college. Just thrilled about this. Wanted to share with you because I know how much you love this kind of stuff – and yeah – I love impressing you, too. That never gets old. Love you, Joe”

As one tipster says, “How many President-CCO relationships in advertising include promoting one’s charitable work, smiley face emoticons and telling each other I love you? Not enough.” Can’t say we disagree.

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