Copyright for dummies. Real dummies.

Thanks a lot adgrunt Goodbye for putting me in that uncomfortable state of not knowing whether to laugh or slam my head repeatedly at the keyboard with this total gem of copyright for dummies from the page Here’s their advice:

One rule of thumb to check if the file is copyrighted is to see if you can find a video with the singer, artist or movie on the site youtube. youtube is a site where people can upload videos and youtube then transcodes the videos to another format and stores them in their database. If you can find a transcoded video with the singer/artist on youtube, the file you are about to transcode is probably not copyrighted.

I’ve made up my mind, slamming it is.

Speaking of youtube and their infringement sagas, the Viacom $1 billion lawsuit has finally gotten to pre-trial says Variety. However it’s gonna take years and the rise and fall of many more companies that make their living off other peoples stuff before we know the results:

The case, which made big headlines in 2007, is on a slow track, with jury selection and trial proceedings not expected before early 2009.

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I’m wearing black until I find something darker.

All you horn-rimmed glasses, turtle-neck wearing, T-square wielding, mac-loving, spray-mount stinkin’ arty folk rejoice. There’s a new black in town, which is blacker than black.
The washingtonpost reports that “Black is getting blacker.”

Researchers in New York reported this month that they have created a paper-thin material that absorbs 99.955 percent of the light that hits it, making it by far the darkest substance ever made — about 30 times as dark as the government’s current standard for blackest black.

The newest black — which when held next to something conventionally black, such as a tuxedo jacket, is noticeably blacker — reflects just 0.045 percent of visible light.

Better clear the closet from all the jet black, matt black (btw, there’s an Art Director named Matt Black in Oz who promised to name his son Jet), antracit, asphalt, charcoal and black to make room for the new black. Wonder what we shall call it?

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Lynx launches new fragrance with the help of Keeley Hazell

Page three girl Keeley Hazell helped launch a new fragrance for Lynx in London today, and judging by the pictures alone I gather that:

1) Whatever Keeley is getting paid is not nearly enough for standing outside in London in February wearing nothing but a chocolate colored bikini. Astronauts have less risks involved in their jobs.

2) The chocolate dummies/men hanging around indicate that Lynx has finally discovered the one true scent that will attract all females namely chocolate. Sadly it works even on your Mum. Be afraid boys. Be very afraid.

Mad pictures inside.

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Jerry O’Connell parodies Tom Cruise

We interrupt our super bowl gossip to show you a funny or die video which is – *gasp* – actually funny. Jerry O’Connell bravely parodies the recent scientology “pep-talk with Tom Cruise” video. Now Xenu and the thetans (which would be such an awesome band name btw) are going to have to kick his ass.

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Wired: Vote for the Sexiest Geeks of 2007

So, Researcher nominated me to the gender-unbiased third annual Wired News Sexiest Geeks contest – and since my exbf (who is a proper true wizard all hail his mighty strong kung fu übergeek) just emailed me with a laugh saying “guess who I’m voting for!”, I thought, what the hell – I might as well tell you all that I’m on that list.

 Vote for the Sexiest Geeks of 2007 – my red mop of curly hair doesn’t show up until page three and it’s not the best of pictures, but wehey, I’ve got seventeen votes (I’m guessing that my mom must have found the list). Won’t you humor me with one more? I’ll let you look at my brass blowtorch if you do. And I might even let you touch my scooter. But only if you wash your hands first and wear gloves.

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“I’ve got an idea for a commercial to sell….”

I don’t know what has prompted this sudden influx of emails where people alert me to the fact that they have a commercial idea that they wish to sell, but something has happened recently to increase these emails to one or two a week rather than one or two every six months. Perhaps Adland is listed on some commercial producers site somewhere? Your guess is a good as mine. Winner of the most cryptic email goes to the fella today who emailed via our contact form simply:

subject: commercial
[name] sent a message:
i have an idea for a commercial . (301) XXX-XXXX

Now, it seems ripe to be put in the FAQ that we don’t produce ads here and can’t help people sell their ideas, but I don’t know how to best explain the obvious. Perhaps since you adgrunts seem to be hopping on eggnog, you could suggest a few good replies? 😉 Have at it, what would you tell them?

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