Brands That Occupy Physical Space Gain Mindshare


Planners are known to inhabit all sorts of out-of-the-way corners of the bloatosphere. They make up their own worlds in fact, wherein big thoughts are free to roam.

By clicking around a bit in this realm, I managed to stumble upon Sarah of Digital Rain. She’s writing about The Method of Loci and how it might relate to brands.

Indeed, this technique did not simply disappear with the collapse of the Roman Empire. It is still very much in use today. Brands quite often use spatial mnemonic linking devices; a few years ago for example Stella Artois created a series of posters designed to strengthen the brand’s association with film. The posters functioned like 2D memory palaces; objects that symbolised famous films were placed in various loci around an everyday, public scene such as a street or a beach. In effect the brand was creating miniature Stella Artois memory palaces for us to wander around and recall well-known stories. This technique has, not surprisingly found its way into the digital arena; M&M’s with their Dark M&Ms viral puzzle, Virgin Digital with their 20 greatest bands puzzle and Absolut Vodka with their 82 bottle search. By creating virtual memory places, all three brands were able to associate and link themselves with a wealth of stories and tales.

In today’s cluttered world, branded memory palaces (or places; they can, according to psychologist’s be any place, even a town) can offer consumers a way to organise, store, memorise and navigate the myriad of stories and associations that are thrown at them by brands.

I’ve been fortunate to work in event marketing over the past few years. When you get to see this world from the inside out, you start to understand the importance of place to a brand. Consumers that volunteer to enter a branded space absolutely must be entertained, surprised and delighted as they journey through this real life engagement. Because memories are made there.

When you have a brand that’s established in physical space, via outstanding retail experiences or event marketing experiences, you’re that much further ahead when it comes to creating a virtual experience online that mirrors in style and substance the brand’s corporeal qualities.

Give ‘Em Something They Can Actually Use

Members of the adverati are increasingly calling for branded utility. You might even say it’s a mantra for a new year. But what is it? What does it look like? And how might we sell it in?

Benjamin Palmer of Barbarian said, “For the same budget and energy as we expend on current forms of advertising, we could be making something more tangible, useful and reusable that plays a more integral part in the consumer’s life. This is ‘interactive,’ which is not synonymous with ‘online,’ by the way.”

Something more tangible, useful and reusable pretty much sums it up. Advertising isn’t any of these things. But could it be? I think yes. It just won’t look like any advertising we know, so we’ll want to call it something else, something clever like branded utility. The consumer, on the other hand, will not make such distinctions. The consumer will just say thanks for the helping hand.

Here are some ways brands can get into the branded utility game:

  • Adult beverage companies can educate consumers about local bar specials via web and mobile updates
  • Recreation concerns can update adventurers on surf, ski and kayak conditions
  • Rental car companies can offer green-thinking consumers environmental assessments on each car they offer for rent

And so on…

I’d love to hear your ideas on branded utility as a concept and also entertain any examples–real or imagined–you’d like to share.