COVID-19: Wave Corona Goodbye

This Campaign from 20something London helps children to ‘wave Corona goodbye’. As Britain prepares to take its first tentative steps out of lockdown, it’s time to teach children how to wash their hands properly. Before the UK headed into lockdown, hand washing was ingrained in the collective consciousness as a way to stay one step ahead of the virus. The government ‘s campaign became a mantra amongst the population: “Wash your hands more often, for twenty seconds”. But after almost two months of staying at home the hand washing? message has begun to fall away. Now that Boris Johnson has urged the country to take its first tentative steps out of lockdown, it is clear that if we are to return into society, people must get back to washing their hands – not only often, or for longer, but the correct way – and a new campaign has set out to teach children to do exactly that. In an address to the nation from Downing Street on 10 May, Johnson said some schools in England might be able to open next month, starting with the youngest age groups. Teacher unions raised concerns over the impossibility of expecting children as young as five to maintain social distance, or to not share books or toys, meaning proper hand washing is vitally important.

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