Cannes Tinder Stunt Urges Attendees to F&%k the Lion


Here’s a bit of hilarity leading up to Cannes Lions. Making the assumption the only people who have fun in Cannes are those who win Lions (untrue as I can personally attest), an entity known only as Fuck the Lion is out with a video called, ahem, Fuck the Lion in which a 3-step process for insuring everyone going to Cannes has a good time is presented.

The process is simple:

1. Download Tinder
2. Like everybody
3. Fuck the Lion

Brilliant, really. Though it’s pretty clear one can have fun in Cannes without the help of Tinder. But it sure would be fun to see everyone create the industry’s biggest virtual (and perhaps, actual) orgy in the history of Cannes Lions.

Who’s game?

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