As Gay Culture Goes Mainstream, So Must Advertising to Gays

From social news feeds to celebrations on the streets, the DOMA ruling in late June spurred an intense national reaction. Anna Wintour expressed support in her first tweet ever through the Vogue Twitter account, and MasterCard applauded the decision and purchased promoted tweets linked to the #gaymarriage hashtag. As a member of the LBGT community, I found the landmark Supreme Court ruling overturning the Defense of Marriage Act, and the outpouring of support from brands that followed, exciting and inspiring. As a marketer, the ruling inspired me to reflect on LGBT advertising and how it must adapt as the gay rights movement and societal acceptance continue to progress.

Nearly two decades ago, Ikea famously released a mainstream TV spot featuring a gay couple, which sparked outrage among conservative groups and a bomb threat at a store. Around the same time, American Express advertised in the pages of Out and Advocate, nationally syndicated gay magazines. Ikea forged strong connections with gay consumers through mainstream media, and American Express did the same with its targeted method. These brands were taking a stand, and LGBT consumers took notice.

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