Kill the 'Big Idea.' Long Live Steve Martin!

Comedian Steve Martin can help strategists. Seriously.

Strategists get paid to be interesting. My quest to learn more about people and places has found me detonating dynamite in a dank Bolivian mine to observing forest-dwelling, Pagan priests. I’ve stretched what it is to be a social scientist. Learning stand-up seemed a natural next step, considering humor’s serious role in ads. I signed up for Steve Martin’s MasterClass.

What follows isn’t a 101 on joke-telling; I’m puny at puns and our humor may differ. Here’s a taste of what makes me titter, stolen from comedian Gary Delaney: “The Americans had Nyquil. The British had Lemsip. It was The Cold War.” Did that make you merely sniff? Suit yourself. But here’s something we might soon agree on: the big idea should be bludgeoned, and Steve Martin should be handed congratulatory mead, as his teachings on stand-up can help us craft campaigns.

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