Ad Age’s Magazine A-List: Vice Media is Publishing Company of the Year

When Vice first appeared on Ad Age’s Magazine A-List in 2010, it raised more than few eyebrows among industry stalwarts. For one thing, it was the first free-distribution magazine Ad Age had ever honored. And another thing — OK, the main thing — Vice is a cheerfully irreverent, quasi-rude youth-culture magazine that wears its louche attitude on its sleeve.

But a funny thing happened between then and now. Vice continued to grow up as a business (somehow without having to grow up emotionally), and the rest of the media world started paying respect.

What had started in Canada as Voice of Montreal in 1994 has now morphed into a Brooklyn-based multimedia empire that can land a deal with HBO — for “Vice,” the Emmy-nominated documentary “news magazine” series that was renewed this summer for a second season — while also playing with the magazine-world big boys (Vice was a 2012 National Magazine Award finalist in the General Excellence category). The print edition under Publisher John Martin continues to thrive, with a 4% year-over-year bump in ad pages in the flagship U.S. edition, and expansion to 24 international editions for global distribution of 1.1 million copies.

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