Miami Ad School "The interview" (2016) 1:06 (Canada)

To succeed in advertising you need to have thick skin. It’s not that people who work in advertising are assholes. They just don’t have a lot of time and are under pressure from the ridiculous deadlines imposed upon them by clients who want more, faster and at a cheaper rate. Also, some people who work in advertising are assholes. This spot pictures a scenario in which a CD coddles a junior to the point of absurdity to make the point that this will never happen and you shouldn’t expect to be coddled. The idea of course is to suggest that no one is going to baby you at Miami Ad School. I am all for this. Because it’s about time someone told the special snowflakes on campus that the real world does not come with safe spaces or candle lit tents with teddy bears when someone suggests their ads suck.
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