George Lois on the AdAge of Old

Prolific ad-man George Lois sat down with an AdAge reporter not too long ago, and shared his thoughts on Esquire, The New Yorker and AdAge. The trade publication shared Lois’ thoughts via a nine-minute video (which can be seen above), and was strikingly transparent in publishing one portion in which Lois describes AdAge as having been a “pain in the ass” in years gone-by.

We e-mailed Jonah Bloom, editor of AdAge, to ask how his publication is different today. At one point, Lois referred to the publication as “Advertising Old Age”, and called it an “establishment” paper. But today the tone is a combination of traditional coverage mixed with harsh editorial coverage (thanks to Bob Garfield, who’s blogging now) and occasional “scandal” coverage reminiscent of what you’d expect to see here on AgencySpy (remember Carat’s e-mail debacle?).

Check out what Bloom had to say of AdAge’s duality, after the jump.

And to see what Lois had to say about AdAge, fast-forward the video to 8:50 &#151 if you don’t have a full nine-minutes to spare.

Video source

More:Real Men and Women of Madison Avenue: Their Impact on American Culture


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