Snowden to Join Board of the Freedom of the Press Foundation

The foundation set up by Daniel Ellsberg, the Pentagon Papers leaker and a supporter of Edward J. Snowden, encourages publishing government secrets in the public interest.


Julian Assange, WikiLeaks Founder, Has His Cinema Moment

Julian Assange of WikiLeaks is having a moment on the big screen.


The Media Equation: A Journalist-Agitator Facing Prison Over a Link

No one has accused Barrett Brown, a journalist with ties to the hacker group Anonymous, of playing a role in the theft of data, only of posting a link to a trove of stolen documents.


Daniel Brühl’s Global Accent in ‘Fifth Estate’ and ‘Rush’

For actors like Daniel Brühl, the new globalism in film has brought opportunities that were almost unimaginable in the middle of the last decade.


British Newspaper Has Advantages in Battle With Government Over Secrets

The Guardian’s global presence means that some of the tactics that might intimidate other British journalists have less effect on it.


At Sentencing Hearing, Lawyers for Manning Urge Leniency

Defense lawyers said Pfc. Bradley Manning, who awaits sentencing for his role in disclosing government documents to WikiLeaks, could once again be a productive member of society.


News Analysis: Court Rulings Blur the Line Between a Spy and a Leaker

Disclosures made possible by digital media, government surveillance and unorthodox publishers have unsettled understandings of mass media’s place in American democracy.


“The Fifth Estate”, primeiro trailer do filme sobre a WikiLeaks

A Dreamworks revelou o primeiro trailer de “The Fifth Estate”, filme que vai contar do WikiLeaks, com Benedict Cumberbatch no papel de Julian Assange.

Cercado de polêmica desde o início da produção, a obra tem estreia marcada para 18 de outubro nos EUA. O próprio Assange já declarou que o filme é apenas uma “peça de propaganda”, e mais cedo o perfil oficial do WikiLeaks no Twitter alertou: “Não seja enganado”

Em entrevista ao Vulture, o diretor Bill Condon afirmou que “The Fifth Estate” de forma alguma é um filme anti-WikiLeaks, e que pretende fazer mais perguntas do que dar respostas.

O roteiro é baseado em dois livros igualmente controversos, também rechaçados pro Julian Assange.“Inside WikiLeaks: My Time with Julian Assange and the World’s Most Dangerous Website” foi escrito por Daniel Domscheit-Berg, ex-parceiro de Assange na criação do site. E “WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange’s War on Secrecy” dos jornalistas do Guardian David Leigh e Luke Harding. É bom ir assistir já de sobreaviso.

Brainstorm9Post originalmente publicado no Brainstorm #9
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Assange, Back in News, Never Left U.S. Radar

Julian Assange and his organization, WikiLeaks, are being investigated by at least four United States government agencies, along with a grand jury that has subpoenaed witnesses.


Media Decoder: The Other Snowden Drama: Impugning the Messenger

On “Meet the Press’’ on Sunday, David Gregory asked Glenn Greenwald whether he should be charged with a crime for publishing leaked information from Edward J. Snowden.


Army Judge Raises Burden in Bradley Manning Trial

A judge ruled that prosecutors must prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Pfc. Bradley Manning had “reason to believe” that files he leaked could be used to harm the United States or to aid a foreign power.


The Media Equation: In WikiLeaks Trial, a Theater of State Secrecy

The government is withholding details about Pfc. Bradley Manning’s ostensibly public trial over state secrets.

Manning to Face More Serious Charges in Leak

Despite a guilty plea, military prosecutors decided to proceed with a court-martial that could result in a sentence of life without parole for Pfc. Bradley Manning.

National Briefing | Mid-Atlantic: Maryland: Judge Won’t Drop Charges in Leak Case

A military judge at Fort Meade on Tuesday rejected a bid by lawyers for Pfc. Bradley Manning to have leak charges against him dismissed on the grounds that he had been denied a speedy trial.

Welcome to this Revolutionary Moment

Suddenly we’re at a pivotal moment. Wikileaks is exposing the corruption among the global power elites on a level never seen before. They realize that this is an existential threat to them and are starting to apply the full weight of the CIA, Espionage Act, etc., to nip this thing in the bud. Don’t let them get away with it! An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime. So let’s seize it! Let’s all become whistle blowers, let’s all start talking truth to power and, over the next few months, change forever the way the world does business.

For a good primer on what’s at stake, watch this video:

Is WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange a Hero? Glenn Greenwald Debates Steven Aftergood of Secrecy News (

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