Lego Artisans Rebuild The Grand Budapest Hotel, Completely to Scale

To help promote the DVD and Blu-ray release of Wes Anderson’s delightful film The Grand Budapest Hotel, distributor Fox Searchlight commissioned Lego sculptors (yes, this is a thing) to build a huge replica of the title dwelling. The result is accurate down to the last detail, as befitting of Anderson’s maniacally detailed mind.

The company put out a time-lapse video of the model being built by Ryan Ziegelbauer and his team of Lego craftspeople, complete with the actor Tony Revolori (who made his debut in the film) adding the finishing touches to the massive creation in front of a painting that looks a lot like the ones used in the movie. 

The hotel will be a part of A+D Architecture and Design Museum’s size and scale exhibit called “Come In! S, M, L, XLa”, running from June 19 to August 31 in Los Angeles.

Revisited Wes Anderson’s Movie Posters

Dans le cadre d’un concours Fubiz et de la sortie du film The Grand Budapest Hotel, nous vous proposons une compilation des meilleures affiches alternatives des films de Wes Anderson. Des illustrateurs se sont amusés à remanier les affiches de Moonrise Kingdom, Fantastic Mr Fox, Rushmore, et bien d’autres encore.

Détails ci-dessous pour gagner l’un des 5 livres de The Wes Anderson Collection.

Moonrise Kingdom by Sam Larson.

The Royal Tenenbaums by Conception Studios.

Moonrise Kingdom by Brandon Schaefer.

Moonrise Kingdom by Forest Knauff.

Moonrise Kingdom by Forest Knauff.

Rushmore by Andres Lozano.

Fantastic Mr Fox by Andres Lozano.

The Life Aquatic by Andres Lozano.

Moonrise Kingdom by Authorial Minimalist Posters.

The Darjeeling Limited by British Indie.

Moonrise Kingdom by British Indie.

Fantastic Mr Fox by British Indie.

Rushmore by Christopher DeLorenzo.

The Life Aquatic by Ojasvi Mohanty.

The Grand Budapest Hotel by Peter Strain.

Moonrise Kingdom by Ibraheem Youssef.

Fantastic Mr Fox by LCArts Film Lounge.

Moonrise Kingdom by Matt Needle.

The Grand Budapest Hotel by Lou.

The Royal Tenenbaums by Lou.

The Darjeeling Limited by Lou.

1 The Royal Tenenbaums
6 The Royal Tenenbaums
3 The Royal Tenenbaums
3 The Royal Tenenbaums - copie
3 Moonrise Kingdom by Forest Knauff
16 Moonrise Kingdom by
14 Moonrise Kingdom by
13 The Grand Budapest Hotel by Peter Strain for QFT
11 Rushmore by Christopher DeLorenzo
10 Fantastic Mr Fox by British Indie.tumblr
9 Moonrise Kingdom by British Indie.tumblr
8 The Darjeeling Limited by British Indie.tumblr
7 Moonrise Kingdom by Authorial Minimalist Posters.tumblr
6 The Life Aquatic by Andres Lozano
5 Fantastic Mr Fox by Andres Lozano
4 Rushmore by Andres Lozano
3 Moonrise Kingdom by Forest Knauff
2 Moonrise Kingdom by brandon schaefer on seekandspeak
1 Moonrise Kingdom by Sam Larson
1 The Royal Tenenbaums by CONCEPCIONSTUDIOS

// Détails du concours Fubiz avec Wes Anderson

Pour gagner et recevoir l’un des 5 livres de « The Wes Anderson Collection » par Matt Zoller Seitz (valeur unitaire : 40 euros), il vous suffit de suivre et de RT l’article sur le Twitter Fubiz et rejoindre la page Facebook Fubiz en laissant un commentaire sur cet article. Date limite : jusqu’au 2 mars 2014 à minuit. Les gagnants seront tirés au sort parmi les participants.