Brita Built a City out of Sugar Cubes to Show You What a Lifetime of Soda Looks Like

In the past, water filter brand Brita has targeted plastic bottles as public enemy No. 1, but now it has its sights on a new foe: Soda.

A new spot created by DDB California uses towering piles of sugar cubes to show the impact of drinking one sugary soda a day (which would be pretty a moderate intake for some families). In the ad, we see a stack of cubes illustrating a single day of cola, followed by a skyscraper modeled from a year’s sugar, ending on a cityscape built from the  221,314 sugar cubes a soda fan could consume “over an average adult lifetime.”

It’s a striking visual, one taken even further by the brand’s #ChooseWater campaign in an exhibit this week at New York’s Chelsea Market, where roughly 1 million sugar cubes (weighing 7,000 pounds) were shaped into an even larger skyline to reflect the amount consumed by a family of four over their lifetimes:

The sculpture features 28 buildings, varying in height from 2 to 7 feet. That’s one tall drink of terrifying.

Sugar Series

Focus sur cette excellente série et collection par la photographe Emily Blincoe basée au Texas. L’ensemble des bonbons et sucreries a été rangés et disposés par couleurs et thèmes. Le tout est à découvrir à travers son projet « Sugar Series ». Plus d’images dans la suite de l’article.


London Skyline in Sugar

2186, c’est le nombre de morceaux de sucre qu’il a fallu à l’artiste Chris Naylor pour composer cette création représentant Londres. Imaginée pour célébrer le 10ème anniversaire du Museum of London Docklands, cette création insolite est à découvrir en images et en détails dans la suite de l’article.

London Skyline in Sugar5
London Skyline in Sugar2
London Skyline in Sugar3
London Skyline in Sugar